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Tell me something about your numbers... (written early August, updated November 26, 2020)

Writer's picture: MoritzMoritz

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

Quite frequently I'm asked about the numbers for the Nicola Werner Challenge / the association. So maybe our very first post should be around numbers.

We started the movement in Spring 2016, a bit more than two months after Nicola left: Sharing her art, selling reproductions of her paintings and finding a way to contribute to cancer research.

She was a lifelong cyclists, less in lycra, more via being exposed to nature regardless of weather; she encouraged us doing something with cycling.

Which leads to our numbers or more precisely the metrics, we're applying to measure progress:

2016 Edition N°1: We participated with 35 cyclists at the then popular Levallois-Cabourg ride & 57 Rapha-BePoles-Nicola Werner Challenge jerseys were ordered. €4,000 were awarded at the Institut Gustave Roussy in Paris and the Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum.

2017 Edition N°2: 58 registered cyclists, 50 at the finish line, this time with rough weather, lots of rain, hail, head&crosswinds and a bit of sun; first time with our own ravitos; entry fee €50 for ravitos + Levallois-Cabourg; 60 jerseys; €4,000 awarded.

2018 Edition N°3: 108 registrations, around 100 at the finish line; now with our complete own event: 200km in the Vexin, the Rapha MCC Bus and all ravitos by Poilâne; entry fee €100; 90 jerseys; €10,000 awarded.

2019 Edition N°4: 200 registrations / 180 at the finish line, thereof 44 from Europe & 16 from the US; same parcours & ravitos; 120 jerseys; entry fee €100; €20,000 awarded.

2020 Edition N°5: Everything changed due to Covid; complete new parcours with Rapha, Poilane & Le Barn Hotel for the Ravitos, an arrival planned at the Mairie du 8e arrondissement, however due to Gillet Jaunes the finish line was at the Observatory de Meudon; local rides in Berlin, Bochum, Black Forest, Seattle & other locations for friends who cannot join the NWC in Paris; the ride is free all based on donations; all donations by individuals were awarded to dedicated projects at Gustave Roussy & DKFZ: €33,000; > 300 participants: 200 Paris, 30 Berlin, 25 Bochum, 10 Blackforest, 10 Rhode Island, 5 Seattle, around 30 independent riders around the globe; 160 jerseys

These are the evident metrics + of course the overall revenue of the association, in addition we're looking to increase the share of female riders, of newcomers and of first time 200km riders. We're very humbled to see more than 70% of riders to ride the next years edition and to have this year 12 riders who've completed all 5 Nicola Werner Challenges.

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