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Der Vogelmann

Der Vogelmann

Acryl on canvas; 50x50cm; December 24, 2015 Nicola commented:"I was really under time pressure here, as the painting was supposed to be finished on Christmas Eve and I only began at 9 am that morning. The painting is very light, everything is up in the air, even the flower pot. It is not important that a horse looks like a horse. These flowers probably don’t exist, but they are recognizable as flowers. Just as the birdman also doesn’t exist. In the early afternoon, I said: finished, hands off, let the paint dry, pack it up ... and I was very satisfied."
  • Copy of an original painting from Nicola Werner

    Limited to 100 numbered copies

    • Digital photo with resolution of 36mpx (Nikon D800)
    • Edited by in Adobe Photoshop to match color of original
    • Printed on Epson SC-P20000 ink jet 
    • Canvas of similar structure and quality as original: Hahnemühle Canvas Daguerre
    • Size: as original
    • Shipped in protected rolls
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